Sunday, February 19, 2012

CCLXXVII - The Miracle


Poetry Jam as a prompt called "Have you seen a miracle lately?"

Well no, I haven't, I'm not one to believe in miracles
so I probably wouldn't recognise one if I fell over it. 
But it has always amused me that something really good is a miracle
but something really bad, no matter how freakish, is not a miracle. 
Here is a limerick on that theme:

The Miracle

They were chatting beneath a great tree
When lightning cooked two of the three.
Said the one who survived:
“It’s a miracle I’m alive
But I don’t think my friends would agree.”

© 2012   J Cosmo Newbery
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  1. J Cosmo, I would agree. Miracles often have 'flip sides.' A miracle for one is sometimes not so for another.

  2. You turned miracles upside down, topsy turvy and made us laugh! Bravo.

  3. Yeah, even miracles have their downside as your limerick so perfectly proves, J Cosmo. This situation would set up a horrible amount of survivor's guilt, wouldn't it?

  4. Your take on miracles (which I loved thank you) also made me think of the people who know about their past lives. They all seem to be kings, queens and the like. Surely some scullery maids also remember their past lives?

  5. Talon: Yes. And BBQ's would never be the same again either.

    TEC: I feel that I was a pubic louse in a former life. But a Queen's pubic louse, you understand.

  6. This limerick truly made me laugh, though I'm not sure if that's the response you were looking for.

    After reading some of your poems, you remind me of the poet, Ogden Nash. Ever heard of him?

    Well, I'm glad I found your blog. I am finding your writings delightful. :)

  7. That limerick gave me a good laugh. But having experienced a miracle, out of the blue, I do have to say that I believe in them.

  8. Cheers from a limerick lover!

  9. Very clever- an apt observation on human nature...

  10. Excellent work! So what do you call a reverse miracle? A damnacle? Now there's a poetic topic for you!

  11. Really clever and rhythmic JCN, love it, love it!

  12. This is one of my favorite limericks ever.

  13. Um. Don't get me started on limericks. I know too many ribald limericks, certainly more than I suppose I should know. Or something like that.

    On the same topic, here there are not "innocent bystanders." If you believe that, I'll say you're a touch touched, so to speak.


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