Sunday, February 10, 2013

Repost - The White Dove

dVerse Poets has the prompt "The Art of Letting Go".
This is an old poem that I have reworked.
The form is a villanelle.

The White Dove

A kind of peace returned to me,
Despite my inner soul laid bare,
The day I set the white dove free.

It felt as if it was meant to be.
Released and free, far from my care,
A kind of peace returned to me

I held my hands aloft to see
It taking joyously to the air,
The day I set the white dove free.

It settled in an old oak tree.
As I watched it resting there,
A kind of peace returned to me

It was as happy as it could be.
Children sang at the country fair
The day I set the white dove free.

Even though it was so hard to bear
I know I'd pleased a maiden fair.
A kind of peace returned to me
The day I set the white dove free.

© J Cosmo Newbery 2013

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  1. smiles...really nice...i like the symbolism of the white dove...and that you had to be the one to let it go to find that peace again...really a fine piece...

  2. That is quite lovely...Thanks, Liza!

  3. Seriously, though...beautifully expressed.

    1. If this is serious, then the previous comment was flippant? I don't understand.

  4. First reading...freeing on it's own accord...second reading...could empathize with your relief for having done so for someone you cared for ...beautiful..

  5. a kind of peace returned to me too.. as i read this poem..
    so well written.. loved how you used the form so well.

  6. ...very beautiful and loved the refraining lines about white dove and a kind of peace returned... uplifting & relieving... great job... smiles...

  7. i like the image of setting the white dove free a lot...reminded me of noah when he let the dove free to check if there's still water and when she didn't return, he knew it was safe to get outside..

  8. Oh, this is so beautiful!

  9. Melodious, balanced, soothing, peaceful - a beautiful poem.

  10. A lovely form, I like the refraining line of setting the white dove free ~ A lot of symbolism in this~

  11. Beautiful, JC. Sometimes peace DOES return to us as we let something go! Love the symbolism of the dove.

  12. I just love this... absolutely gorgeous!!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan. Good to see you back. I thought I may have done my dash with the alien abductions.

  14. Cute rhyme and flow. I was waiting for the metaphor, but missed it.

    1. I think the metaphor was there for the reading, if you looked hard enough. Truth bared, the release that brings, the sacrifice then made regarding that truth and the peace that comes from making a decision and being able to move on. Beautifully captured JCN.

  15. Fair maidens like to see the white dove free.Unfair maidens like to wear them as a pashmina.(Sorry) am in a silly mood.


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