Friday, March 30, 2012

CCLXXXVI - The Company Man

Sung to the tune of Monty Python's Lumberjack Song.
Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.  
As is often the case, this poem did not end up where it was heading when it started out.

The Company Man.
Middle Manager
I’m a Company Man and a cliché,
I play the game and I bank my pay.

Typist's Chorus
He’s a Company Man and a cliché,
He plays the game and he banks his pay.

Middle Manager
I write emails.  I wear a suit.
I sport the company tie.
I always agree with my manager
And never question why.

Typist's Chorus
He writes emails.  He wears a suit.
He sports the company tie.
He always agrees with his manager
And never questions why.

Middle Manager
I write emails.  I criticize.
I claim the moral heights.
I love to rattle cages
Then sit and watch the fights.

Typist's Chorus
He writes emails.  He criticizes.
He claims the moral heights.
He loves to rattle cages
Then sit and watch the fights.

Middle Manager
I write emails.  I check Facebook.
I gossip with my mates.
I listen to the typists
Discuss their weekend dates.

Typist's Chorus
He write emails.  He checks Facebook.
He gossip with his mates.
He listens to the typists
Discuss our weekend dates. [Doubts in their voices…]

Middle Manager
I write emails.  I offer help.
I give advice for free
I feel it kindly guidance
And then they turned on me.

Typist's Chorus
He wrote emails.  He crossed the line.
He said we were not slim
He then ogled at our cleavage
That’s why we turned on him.

He wrote emails.  He crossed the line.
He never should have done it.
We cornered him one afternoon
And the heartless bastard won it.

We cornered him one after-n-o-o-o-o-n
And the heartless bastard won it.

© 2012   J Cosmo Newbery

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  1. Great song. I can see it played out in my mind's eye.

  2. All in a day's work?

  3. Very clever writing dear J Cosmo!

    xoxoxo ♡


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