Saturday, October 12, 2024

1330 - Nature's Inadvertence


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 

crusty, scrub, limbs, vanish, bones, exist, space, glitter, still, hollow, below, sense

Nature’s Inadvertance

We should remember that even Nature's inadvertence 
has its own charm, its own attractiveness. 

-- Marcus Aurelius.

The random fissures on a crusty bread
The dew that glitters on a spider’s thread
The limbs that blossom on a favourite tree
A joy awaits you if you care to see.

Watch ferns, fishbones and maiden’s hair,
Plants that existed before we were there
Attach to trees in both hollow and nook
A joy awaits you if you care to look.

The kitchen’s scent of a fresh-baked cake
The liquid motion of a passing snake
The native birds and their mating dance
A joy awaits you if you can spare a glance.

Mushrooms grow and then vanish again,
The smell of the bush after a rain
The living space where seeds germinate
A joy awaits you if you care to wait.

The scrub is still there, out beyond the town,
But no need to leave home to track joy down
It’s in the branches, in the ground below,
A joy awaits everywhere you go.

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  1. What a wonderful poem! Your words inspire a sense of mindfulness, reminding that joy is everywhere, if only we take the time to look, wait, and appreciate. I also love how you bring together both human experiences and the natural world in a harmonious way. Thank you for sharing such a meaningful reflection on the small wonders of life. Happiness doesn’t need to be searched for - it’s always there, waiting for us to notice. Enjoyed reading it, thank you!

  2. Curries are being things that are being at their best when they are hot and spicey. And served with rice.
    Sunrises are being things that are being reddish and yellowish and extremely nicey. And observed with chai.
    Happiness is being chopping the ingredients for the curries above with a sharply edged knife. The pleasure that is being of the clean slice.
    Everywhere there is being a joy which is well beheld in your virtuous life. Waste no time in pondering about the why.

    I am being a poet Princess! Is this not being a goodly last verse?

    1. You do have a style that is quite unique. Have you had training?

    2. I am being a Princess and a Princess is not being in need of training.

    3. I think one of her eunuchs wrote it for her.

    4. I am thinking that you are being a low life that is being below a vassal.

  3. I enjoyed the positive slant this week. There is indeed joy to be found everywhere. if you look.

    1. My toolshed is living proof that this is not true.

  4. This was so much fun to read! The rhythm is like something one can skip rope to. And perfect for the season.

    1. Indeed. I am strongly in favour of skipping the rope.

  5. A wonderful poem! The catch is truly taking that time.

    1. But there is never time, it is an illusion. Look now.


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