Wednesday, February 06, 2013

CDLVI - The Rising

Sunday Whirl (Wordle #94) presents a list of words
that we must incorporate in a writing piece.  

The words this week are: 

again, bust, enough, figure, fuss, go, interest, miserable, prove, straight, sweet, wish

The Rising

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
- Thoreau.

First light.  
The alarm is urgent
But I have been awake 
For some time.  
Lying and thinking
Of just what it would take
To raise the weight of the malaise,
The thing that is draped across me
Like a wretched leaden blanket.

Interest is an absentee.

I’m not bust, just not sick enough;
Under a lethargy that saps the wish to up and go
And that which should be sweet to me is not.

A miserable spot.

But slowly,
I prove that I can move again:
A straight no-nonsense figure.  
No fuss.  
I wont complain.

© J Cosmo Newbery 2013
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  1. I’m not bust, just not sick enough

    i think there are days that we are all there...not sick enough but still struggling to rise out of whatever holds us in that place...

  2. This is a wonderful and accurate description of a depressed state (hey, I have my degree in psych!)
    Great poem.

  3. "TO raise the weight of malaise this thing that's draped across me like a wretched leaded blanket " that is a beautiful phrase metaphoric and all encompassing. You illustrate wonderfully with words.

  4. I can so relate to this ... perhaps all of us can !!!

  5. Love everything about this, from the Thoreau quote to the final sentence. You know what really gets me going in times like this? Loud, profane complaining, often coupled with throwing or breaking inanimate objects. What does that say about me?!

    1. It says you would be a great party animal ..Woohoo wild thing:)

    2. You'll only get paper plates at my party!


  6. And, often, it's as if a mass of lead weighs upon us in the mornings causing quiet desperation as we try to rise.

  7. I think so many can relate to this feeling, hearing the alarm, rising to another often monotonous day, somehow we find the strength to rise and begin again, there's often a feeling that the new day will offer something special, which keeps us going. Nice write!

  8. Fake it until you make it, so the saying goes. Lovely intro stanzas.


  9. Nice weaving of words ~ I feel this every workday ~

  10. I know exactly how you feel, these words are from deep down.

  11. I typically don't complain either, but usually my desire to return to bed is written all over my face.

  12. I love this mellifluous line: "To raise the weight of the malaise"

    It just flows and sings!

    Whirling with W.B. Yeats

  13. Rather like this one, JCN! Has a bit of no-nonsense complaining - my favorite sort. Probably my favorite because it is the most used (by me!). Here is mine for the week - got it in just before tomorrow's comes along. To appreciate wordle whirl this week, you might have to be a bit more familiar with me, but should you choose to accept this mission, here's the link:

    If not, this link will self-destroy and will disavow any knowledge of your having read it.


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