Sunday, June 03, 2012

CCCVIII - Shooting the Breeze

Mad Kane has a regular limerick challenge.
She provides the first line, the rest is up to us.

Shooting the Breeze

A woman was shooting the breeze
And causing her neighbour unease.
She delighted to flirt
In an undersized shirt,
For no reason but wanting to tease.

A fellow was shooting the breeze
On Skype, to his wife, if you please,
But what couldn’t be seen,
Safely away from the screen,
Was his girlfriend, down on her knees.

A woman was shooting the breeze
With a guy who was lusting to squeeze
Her creamy smooth breasts,
Using one of the tests
They use to show ripeness in cheese.

A fellow was shooting the breeze
But his mind was focussed on slease.
She found him disgusting
And hosed down his lusting
By confessing to an infectious disease.

© 2012   J Cosmo Newbery

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  1. Enjoyed them all! Favorite is the last one! Yup, that would do it.

  2. AnonymousJune 03, 2012

    Lewd but witty!

  3. Very naughty but funny dear J Cosmo! :)
    xoxoxo ♡

  4. u did it again j cosmo! so funny!

  5. You are a naughty man. The ripe cheese test is my favourite bit.

  6. Well, you certainly know how to shoot the breeze with these here limericks!

  7. LOL! Another fun limerick quartet. Thanks for joining in!


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