Saturday, January 26, 2013

CDXLIX - The Good Life

It’s Australia Day.  Time for a parody.

The Good Life
(To the tune of “Botany Bay”)

Throw chops on the barbie this evening,
Crack open a stubby of beer,
Some sauce will do as a salad,
And the neighbours will quickly appear.

Singing white bread, fried onions and sausages
Singing white bread, fried onions and chops
Singing white bread, fried onions and sausages
Ah, the good life, it just never stops.

There’s the missus, as is our companion,
There’s the dog and a moggie or two,
There’s the kids from over the neighbourhood
Who appear at a good barbeque.


‘Taint eating a tossed salad we cares about,
‘Taint one of our diet’ry habits,
‘Cause green’s not really a food colour
For anything other than rabbits.


Now all you young wankers and wowsers,
Who dine on the cuisine nouveau,
Who whine that a barbies too common,
Well, youse know where you can all go.


© J Cosmo Newbery 2013

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  1. Very funny when you sing your poem to the tune of 'Botany Bay', great work.
    Enjoy your Australia day barbecue!
    xoxoxo ♡

    1. Thank you Dianne - am actually going to a Jazz in the Park thing tonight and will sacrifice a lamb to the gods on Monday.

  2. Love it! I am nominating you for Australian Of The Year Award for your services to poetry nest year. If Ita Buttrose can get one so can you! Hey peeps you forgot to mention budgie smugglers...all your gal fans here would love to see your photo in obligatory Aussie swimwear:)

    1. Thank you but there are somethings that should not appear on the internet.

  3. The humble yet glorious barbie! (Even for a veggie like me...)

  4. Hope your barbie sizzles on Australia Day. And that your mates bring lots to drink at the party.

  5. I'm singing along with you :)

  6. I had lamb short loin chops for lunch today...and they were delicious! And now I'm singing "Botany Bay", thanks to you!!!!!

  7. A nice tune tune J. now I have to go check my barbie.

  8. Oh, sweet laughter! Thank you for this bright and bubbly day-opener! (And that from a lifelong vegetarian!)

    Whirling with James Joyce

  9. Hilarious Cosmo! A Bar-B=Q is an absolute attraction for young and old. Nicely!


  10. Nothing like a good barbecue to celebrate a special day!! I hope 'youse' all had a good time!

  11. Haha excellent mate, throw a few shrimp on as well B-)

  12. What a fun read! I can hear the song resonating to the tune of the sizzling meat on the bar-b-q, punctuated by the joy of sharing with good friends.

  13. I want to go to THAT barbie and gathering. What a fun poem(song) and full of life. Love it!

  14. Lovely. Beautifully light and carefree, yet still the imagery grabs your attention.

  15. This should be sung, by a chorus of muscley men in undershirts, on a stage somewhere. Dat's wot I t'ink, anyhoo :) Loved it! A rollicking good rhyme, mate!

  16. I want to go to this kickin' party. Sounds like a blast!

  17. fun and funny poem - Let's write the music

  18. Ha! Loved this fun poem from start to finish even the gentle dig to veggie lovers! Happy Australia Day. Hope the barbie(que) was all you wanted it to be!

  19. Rhyming "nouveau" with "all can go" is BRILL. Such a funny take on Botany Bay's tune, and eschewing anything green (other than a beer bottle?) is the height of gastric decadence! Just great, Cos. Peace on white bread, Amy


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