Monday, October 14, 2024

1331 - Metamorphosis


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 

witchcraft, metamorphosis, garden, whirl, woods, fly, siren, sign, breath, stone, circle, why


Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns.
-- The Odyssey

Why? is the wrong question.
How? Is more to the point.
There is magic afoot in my garden.
How a pudgy, multi-legged sausage,
Full of the half-digested greenery
Of my well-loved garden,
Encases itself in a circle, a case, of gossamer
A change booth, a most private retreat 
Only to re-emerge as a butterfly?
What witchcraft is this?

I hold my breath as it takes its first,
Before launching off, flying off,
More a wobble than a whirl 
Twisting and turning
Moving from plants to flowers to woods.
How can this melting and remaking happen?
A clear sign of my ignorance.

What else is changing without witness?
Were the tangle of wire coat-hangers
Once my strangely missing ball-points?
What am I to believe?
Is there anything set in stone?
And if they are, can I trust the stones?  
The siren’s say ‘come Ulysses, come closer’.
Are they really stones?  
My toe says yes.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

1330 - Nature's Inadvertence


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 

crusty, scrub, limbs, vanish, bones, exist, space, glitter, still, hollow, below, sense

Nature’s Inadvertance

We should remember that even Nature's inadvertence 
has its own charm, its own attractiveness. 

-- Marcus Aurelius.

The random fissures on a crusty bread
The dew that glitters on a spider’s thread
The limbs that blossom on a favourite tree
A joy awaits you if you care to see.

Watch ferns, fishbones and maiden’s hair,
Plants that existed before we were there
Attach to trees in both hollow and nook
A joy awaits you if you care to look.

The kitchen’s scent of a fresh-baked cake
The liquid motion of a passing snake
The native birds and their mating dance
A joy awaits you if you can spare a glance.

Mushrooms grow and then vanish again,
The smell of the bush after a rain
The living space where seeds germinate
A joy awaits you if you care to wait.

The scrub is still there, out beyond the town,
But no need to leave home to track joy down
It’s in the branches, in the ground below,
A joy awaits everywhere you go.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

1329 - Glimpses of a Dream


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 

wet, jump, secret, dream, bed, breath, secrets, lashes, fire, plague, glimpses, lies

Glimpses of a Dream

There’s a green-eyed fellow idle, to the north of Kathmandu.
There’s a bus of eager punters, heading west.
There’s Ash Wednesday and the bushfire hullabaloo,
There’s the pulsing bilge pump at poor Gael’s breast.

There’s the random plague that completely shut the city
And closed the rest of the world as well.
There’s the ancient escritoire, full of all that’s pretty.
There’s the dinner call, with the old school bell.

There’s the ominous arrival of the mechanical bed  
There’s the lovely baby stilton sent out through the mail.
There’s the son that jumped out of a tiny plane
But only once he had done it, went on to tell the tale.

There’s the blushing yellow Peace rose, flowering in the garden
A living yearly memory of her dear departed mother.
There’s her ironclad determination, not to let harden
Any part of our ongoing love for one another.

There’s the intimate moment on a warm and secret beach,
There’s the shark plane doubling back.
There’s the son who drank all the medicines in reach,
There’s the spurtle, poised for quick attack.

There’s Primrose, later known as Prim, the most elegant of cats.
There’s the picnic in the park, to see the Bard’s Macbeth.
There’s the pipe that burst in the ceiling of the Dundee flat
There’s the pathos of that last exhaling breath.

There’s the castle on the Overland, where lashes were the norm.
There’s the weekly formal dinner, with cuddles, by the fire.
There’s the table set so beautifully, with decorations of some form,
There’s ball of belly-button fluff, stolen from the dryer.

There are the wet eyes of the one who silently recalls and weeps.
There’s the marching for The Voice, with the home-made sign.
There’s the The Prince of Puddings, a haggis, on a bed of neeps.
There’s the New Year’s fireworks and playing of Auld Lang Syne.

Friday, September 27, 2024

1329 - The Open Window (Repost)


Poets & Storytellers United have a prompt "Substitutions".
This is something I posted in 2012.  
It's theme is more that there are no substitutes.

The Open Window (Repost).

There is a sense of disbelief:

The window is wide open,
Your things are in disarray;

Drawers are open, 
Turned out on the floor.
Intimate items scattered.
Someone has been here, in your room, 
Past your defences.
And valuables are missing.

Money, money is nothing.  
Memories, how do you replace memories?
Pawned for $20 in a bar somewhere.

Days weeks months later you go looking for something —
And can’t find it.  Is it just lost?  Or was it stolen?

You will never fully realise everything that you have lost.

Death is like that, 
Like being burgled.

You never fully realise everything that you have lost.

Monday, September 23, 2024

1328 - Nighthawks


 The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 

quivers, limbs, scattered, yellow, twirl, hearts, streak, faint, bags, three, howls, long


Three customers.
Sitting in a yellow-lit fishbowl,
Behind a long glass window,
Unnaturally free of posters.
A single and a doublet.

A man, sitting solo—
Perhaps heading home.
Perhaps told to pack his bags.
Body language is reflective.
No quivers, no energy,
Just reflective.  Resigned.
Sits and twirls his coffee.

The couple, together—
Are they really, though?
They, too, are reflective.
Body language suggests 
They may be just companions,
Their hearts are not engaged.
She may be holding his hand,
Almost reluctantly. Furtively.
Perhaps the waiter is a dampener.
Perhaps going out on a limb
In such a public place is a risk.
But there they are.

The street is strangely clean,
No papers scattered around.
No howls of dogs here.
The lights throw streaky shadows,
Giving only the faintest hint
Of surrounding businesses.

That’s the way of things, I guess.
Life presented in a tableau.
So many questions.
So few answers.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

1327 - The Was And The Will Be

Poets and Storytellers had the prompt: Memories & Dreams.

The Was And The Will Be.

Memories are a delusion—
They are so very tidy.
Memories are so deceiving.
They embrace us.  That’s why we
Hold them—
Our hearts embrace and mould them.

Grieving thus comes naturally.
A consensual collusion
With what can never be.

Dreams are a comfort 
most infernal,
Useless without a plan.
Are they too just a delusion?
The universe mocking man?

But it’s not a case when
A fusion adds body to the dreams.
Once a dream becomes internal,
The gods withdraw, or so it seems.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

1326 - Alone


 The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 

breath, cruel, escape, river, away, sorrow, kitchen, licked, dust, whispering, spin, gown


“When you lie in bed and cry, the tears tickle your ears”
– Margaret Kennedy.

The mind is not cruel
But it is not kind either.
It has no agenda.
It’s a landmine, waiting.
Everything is a trigger.

Dutch irises bloom,
They were planted for her,
Her beloved white dogwood,
Unfolds its kissing flowers.

The wedding gown.
Nothing too fancy.
Laura Ashley, off the rack.
Kept safe. Packed away.
But now, what do I do with it?

In the kitchen,
Favourite soup bowls,
Blue, with a handle.
We used them every day.
I still do.

A bra…
(You have a pair of pants 
Why not a pair of bras?
But I digress.)  A bra
Hangs on a door handle
In her study.  Still.
Gathering dust.

Everything has a connection.
Sadness, regret and sorrow.
Tears that reach your ears
Puddle there.
Salty little ponds.
I lie in bed at night,
Warm but no escape.
I her her clock chime.
My fault, I wind it.
Voices whisper and spin
Salty memories.
These warm salty tears.
Not a river, a trickle
Remember when there was
A breathing beside me—
Like so much in life,
You never know when
Something happens 
For the last time.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

1325 - Roll Over, Supernova

 The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 
back, flash, vanishing, tap, top, trip, yearning, blind, sigh, vine, strong, fear

Roll over, Supernova!

The sun rose today
And will rise again tomorrow.
You can have no fear about that.

Well, perhaps just a little fear.
There is a small, vanishingly small
Probability that the sun
May just, well, explode tomorrow.
Strong chance that it won’t happen.
But it would take the edge 
Off an otherwise top sort of day.
Not even be a blinding flash,
No time to scream even.
Just a sudden onset of crispness.

No time to take back library books,
That trip to Japan, too late I’m afraid.
That yearning for the widow Smith
In the townhouse down the road—
Unrequited, that love.  Sorry.
But don’t sigh, there is good news:
The possums will not eat your vines,
That dripping tap on your to-do list,
Is no longer an issue. Nothing
On that list is any longer an issue.
But that is all about tomorrow.

Today the sun is shining.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

1324 - The Stranger


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 
scratch, bones, branches, gathered, blow, words, stone, stranger, keep, tilt, feathered, we.

I played with Haiku.  Probably Senryu, in truth.

The Stranger

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: 
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  
– Hebrews 13:2

The wind was blowing.
Branches screeched on the windows.
It was a bleak night.

A scratch at the door.
A dark figure stood outside.
He offered no words.

Barely skin and bones.
A coat gathered around him,
To keep the wind out.

“What brings you, stranger?”
But it garners no response.
He stands like a stone.

“Come in, have some soup”.
He tilted his head, thinking.
Then nods and enters.

The coat slips open.
A glimpse of something feathered.
No answers offered.

Fed and most grateful,
He silently leaves again.
We may never know.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

1323 - Going Against The Grain


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 
Bliss, leaping, memory, particles, arms, breath, story, pieces, heartache, beings, thunder, called

Going Against the Grain

“If two people love each other there can be no happy end to it.” 
– Ernest Hemingway.

In due course
They will return your ashes.

How do I reconcile
Those coarse beige particles
With the memories 
Of your warm embrace?
Being held in your arms?
Your rhythmic breath
As you slept beside me?
Our moments of heartache 
And moments of bliss?
The joy of laughing
In thunderstorms?
Of walking in the rain?
Of lying in the sun?
Just being together.

My mind hops from memory
To memory, leaping, weeping.
The story called life; 
A kaleidoscope 
Of pieces, 

And now?  
What does the future hold?
A plastic box of ashes.

Friday, August 16, 2024

1322 - The Passing Crowd


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 
Vast, alone, silently, novel, wake, unable, secrets, world, river, darkness, face, ache

The Passing Crowd

In this vast world, I am alone.
A world that is full of people
Who have their own lives 
And are unable to see or be aware
Of the darkness others face.

In this vast world, I am alone.
Surrounded by strangers.
A river of humanity that flows past
Unperturbed by my presence,
Parting, passing, rejoining. 

In this vast world, I am alone.
They move past silently
Engrossed in their own thoughts,
Their secrets, their fears—inner lives
Behind their budded ears.

In this vast world, I am alone.
There is nothing novel in this ache.
People are afraid of the thought of it 
And, afraid it may bring discomfort,
They slip pass and leave me in their wake.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

1321 - Blight on Bald Mountain

 The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  

This weeks words are: 
Demons, wings, flickering, heat, omen, dark, end, cunning,
shadows, unfathomable, gloaming, despair

Blight on Bald Mountain

By the pricking of my thumbs, 
something wicked this way comes. 
– Macbeth

The unlocking of demons,
Released by the cunning words
Of politicians with devious
Self-interested ends in mind.
Not unfathomable, to be sure.
In the shadows, the oil lobby
Gloats as their puppet
Does his dance, tells his lies
With a flickering, forked, tongue.

The unlocking of demons,
Cleaving to produce heat.
Heat to power us
Heat to chill us.
Heat to distract us.
Heat to kill us.
A dark foreboding wings 
Its way through those
Those souls who despair
Of man’s lack of wisdom.

The unlocking of demons,
The omens are not good,
The world enters a gloaming,
The demons are easy to define:

Friday, August 02, 2024

1320 - Haunted by Clichés


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  
This weeks words are: 

tangle, surface, call, back, deep, room, kisses, edge, sense, sketches, silhouette, windswept

Haunted by Clichés

Silhouetted on a windswept hill,
Surrounded by a tangle of brambles,
The house stands clearly ill-kept
A sense of neglect, 
A dark, foreboding, shambles.
You get a sense…

Stop a minute.
Was it always this way?
Could it once have been a home?
When did the rooms fill with dust 
And lethargic but hairy spiders?
When did the music just stop?
(Or, if not stop, at least move 
To dramatic organ chords.)
When did the laughter stop?
The love and hugs and kisses?
Did a family live here back then,
Back when it was not so dark.
Were there gardens?  A park? 
Did the trees echo with the calls 
Of birds and not bats. And children
Playing, running, sketching, giggling.
Beneath the niggling surface lies…what?
Deep, dark secrets perhaps?
But do they survive the sunrise,
When the sun edges over the horizon?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

1319 - Marrakesh


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  
This weeks words are:

Sing, trembling, zigzag, connected, mind, silk, dreams, moon, prayers, crow, road, prophets


Forget Rome.
Here, at sunset,
All roads 
Lead to the market.
An explosion
Of light and noise.

The smells,
Spices, warm,
Rich, beguiling.
Perfumes hint 
Of the harem.
Leathers and silks,
Food, aromatic,
Sweet, luscious.
Brassware. Stoneware.
The noise,
Oh, the noise.
The call to prayers,
The call to buy.
Different gods.
The people,
But disconnected.
Someone sings,
Some tout dreams,
Promise the moon.
Some are prophets,
Trembling in fervor,
The curious wander,
Zig-zag in wonder.
Crowds flow 
Or not.  Mesmerised.
No-one minds.
Time is not important.
It is an assault
On the senses,

On the roofs
Pied Crows watch,
Silent prophets,

1318 - An Electrician named Roy


There was an electrician named Roy
Who was clearly a girl, not a boy.
There was some distrust
About the size of her bust
But her skills were the real McCoy.

Written following a discussion about the possible gender 
of an electrician named Roy, coming to certify some work in my home.
The photo is AI generated.  No electricians were harmed
in the writing of this limerick.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

1317 - Travelling Flat Out


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  
This weeks words are:

air, embraced, pearls, perfection, turtle, altar, garlands, reveries, vanish, name, built, mist

Travelling Flat Out

The place where the story happened was a world on the back 
of four elephants perched on the shell of a giant turtle. 
– Terry Pratchett

From their expressions, you’d never have guessed
But the elephants were far from impressed.
While their air was of calmness and grace
As they surfboarded their turtle through space.
Their inner thoughts were contained and not spilt
About the awkward lifestyle they’d built.

But on the flat earth that balanced above 
The occupants showerd them with love.
They built sacred altars to adore them
Made flower garlands and then actually wore them,
And then danced naked in the light of the moon
Such reveries usually finished at noon.

They viewed the elephants with loving affection
And, with the turtle, considered perfection
To be clearly outlined, for everyone to see.
The universe was defined by what needed to be:
Celestial transport, willingly embraced—
A beast, twenty limbed and five faced.

But the reason for being of this craft
Vanished in the far mists of time, probably graft.
Someone received pearls, gold and myrrh,
To win a contract, lucrative you can infer,
To provide a cheap spacial transport
And the fine print didn’t name the sort.

So, this menagerie sails on through space—
Two creatures not known for their grace
And the flat earth above them, so supported,
Is right royally, and galactically, transported,
No matter what the physicists implore
Existence is nine tenths of the law.