Misplaced Infusiasm
Tea drinkers are a diverse lot:
Jigglers, danglers and ceramic pots.
Some love to stew
Their herbal brew
While others would definitely not.
Some opt for China cups with class,
While others sip it from a glass.
There’s a profusion
Of different infusions,
The majority tasting like grass.
The purveyors of the dried leaf
Instil in their followers a belief
That the polyphenolics
Will make the tea-oholic’s
Stay on this planet quite long, not brief.
Thus buoyed with herbal enthusiasm
For their drug’s medicinal infusiasm
They look rather silly
As they gild the lily
And just add to the dietary confusiasm.
With a certainty that usually rankles
We are told, tea when drunk by the tank’ll,
Cure all known ills,
The pox and the chills,
And the spots that appear on your ankles.
Tea drinking has many who employ it
And, as a ritual, I’ve no wish to destroy it.
There’s a reason, I agree,
For partaking in tea:
You do it because you enjoy it.
© 2011 J Cosmo Newbery