that we must incorporate in a writing piece.
The words this week are:
swear, turns, chant, porcelain, limbo, wrists,
tumble, papers, gaudy, briefly, deeply, moonlit
The Turning.
It turns relentlessly, no purpose is shown,
A revolving collection of all that is known.
But in a small quiet backwater, tucked away
Things tumble, not turn, in strange disarray.
Life’s like a circus on set up on a field
Each tent has sideshows, slightly concealed.
Refined old ladies hold Chihuahua pups,
Sipping Earl Grey from porcelain cups;
Unshaven men who smell of old beer,
Sleep on flat boxes, beneath the old pier;
On the moonlit banks of a river we find
Lovers swapping fluids, of the bodily kind;
While in a police station, beneath a strong light,
A felon swears blue he’s been home all the night.
Fresh-faced youths, stand tall in the choir,
Chanting obedience but harbouring desire.
There are sweet little children in gaudy pajamas,
Hearing stories of knights, in bright, shiny armours.
Disasters bestow unimaginable sorrow
Which the papers will cover, just briefly, tomorrow
Then sport is returned to fill the front page
And the victims dispatched to a limbo, off-stage.
Some folk feeling so unloved and unmissed
Pop poisons; or jump; or cut open their wrists.
Seniors embrace beneath the warm covers,
Much older now, but still happily lovers.
Guys on soapboxes harangue those who’ve neared
With views deeply held but generally weird.
Each life is different in how it is told,
No-one is certain how theirs will unfold.
While we each are different in how we are wrought,
The product of nature, reworked by our thoughts,
We are but a candle that briefly burns.
Coldly indifferent, the universe turns.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014