Sunday Whirl (Wordle #150) presents a list of words
that we must incorporate in a writing piece.
The words this week are:
cage, fuel, assault, six, where, type
trigger, double, mercy, guess, easy, list
Doing the Rounds
[A clatter of chains, door creaks open]
Medic: How are we today Mr Newbery?
An old poet who was kept in a cage
To write his views of the age
Where all the insanity
Of herds of humanity
Only went to fuel his rage.
Medic: I see. Dark side unchanged. Any improvement on the lighter side of the list?
My limericks are the purest of tripe
And usually the naughtiest type.
Where I quietly ponder
The double entendre
Of peaches—firm, round and ripe.
Medic: I’ll take that as a no. Any other examples?
A guy claimed that he was possessed
When he fondled a young lady’s breast.
But her boyfriend spied him,
Bound him and tied him,
And then gave him six of the best.
Medic: I think you are getting worse. What do you feel is the trigger for all of this?
I see myself a release
In those moments of strife—
A light relief
In those moments of grief,
A chocolate profiterole
On the tea-trolley of life.
Medic: Right. Nurse, he's taken a turn for the verse. Tighten the straps and double the medication.
Medic: He must be French. He thanked me. Come nurse, next patient…
[sounds of door shutting and bolting…]
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014