Thursday, March 27, 2014

690 : Born to Rule

Three Word Wednesday requires participants
to use the three words of the week in a composition.
The words this week were: cunning, degenerate and emaciated.

Born to Rule

There’s a kind of 
smugness there;
A cunning smirk 
or two.
A high sense 
of entitlement,
With ribbons, 
regal blue.
Not coy,
They ignore 
the hoipolloi,
To rule 
by selling fears
Backed by 
degenerate affairs
And emaciated ideas.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

689 : A Blunt Quartet

Sunday Whirl (Wordle #153) presents a list of words
that we must incorporate in a writing piece.  

The words this week are:

sting, grind, natural, addition, plenty, warning,
rival, course, quartet, broken, response, blunt

A Blunt Quartet

To change is a natural desire,
To leave the daily grind;
We gladly jump from pan to fire,
To see what we will find.

All warnings are ignored, of course,
The rival camp seems warmer;
Not a response to a better force,
Just weary with the former.

The morning after is a sobering place,
Of crudely broken dreams.
With plenty of regrets we have to face
As we realise what it means.

There’s additional pain, both sharp and cruel,
Of this brave new spring—
As a nation we voted for these fools,
And therein lies the sting.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

688 : Did the earth move for you too, dear?

There have been earthquakes in Los Angeles recently.
It set me thinking...

The couple were intimately locked
When the building was seismically rocked.
The man was seen to withdraw 
And run out the door,
Leaving the poor woman, half-cocked.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

Sunday, March 02, 2014

687 : Doing the Rounds

Sunday Whirl (Wordle #150) presents a list of words
that we must incorporate in a writing piece.  

The words this week are:

cage, fuel, assault, six, where, type
trigger, double, mercy, guess, easy, list


Doing the Rounds

[A clatter of chains, door creaks open]

Medic: How are we today Mr Newbery?

An old poet who was kept in a cage
To write his views of the age
Where all the insanity 
Of herds of humanity
Only went to fuel his rage.

Medic: I see.  Dark side unchanged.  Any improvement on the lighter side of the list?

My limericks are the purest of tripe
And usually the naughtiest type.
Where I quietly ponder
The double entendre
Of peaches—firm, round and ripe.

Medic: I’ll take that as a no.  Any other examples?

A guy claimed that he was possessed
When he fondled a young lady’s breast.
But her boyfriend spied him,
Bound him and tied him,
And then gave him six of the best.

Medic: I think you are getting worse.  What do you feel is the trigger for all of this?

I see myself a release
In those moments of strife—
A light relief 
In those moments of grief,
A chocolate profiterole 
On the tea-trolley of life.

Medic: Right.  Nurse, he's taken a turn for the verse.  Tighten the straps and double the medication.  


Medic:  He must be French.  He thanked me.  Come nurse, next patient…

[sounds of door shutting and bolting…]
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014