Sunday, April 06, 2014

693 : A Bit of a Scrap

Mad Kane has a weekly limerick challenge.
She provides the first line rhyme word,
The rest is up to us.
For no reason in particular,
I kept the first two lines common.

A fellow got into a scrap
When found with a girl in his lap,
His wife wasn’t impressed
That the girl was undressed
And gave the old bastard a slap.

A fellow got into a scrap
When found with a girl in his lap,
His wife hit him again
When he tried to explain
The girl was just having a nap.

A fellow got into a scrap
When found with a girl in his lap,
“She was at a loose end
And she needed a friend
So I am just filling the gap.”

A fellow got into a scrap
When found with a girl in his lap,
His wife shot him quite dead
With a round to the head,
Saying “Nah, your story’s just crap!”
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

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  1. The modern day Grandpa is really cool and hopefully cool enough to escape the wrath of his Mrs.
    Modern day Grandmas are more adept with assault weapons as well. LOL Good luck!

  2. Oh goodness. He sounds like a real prize...

  3. Such a sadly misunderstood generous soul.

  4. He was obviously not a chap who easily got into a flap!

  5. How could any guy let himself get caught four times? Not a very bright light, I guess.

  6. That was thoroughly entertaining .. :)

  7. LOL His story did sound like crap

  8. Ha ha - love that last verse.

  9. sounds a bit extreme to me...but at least he died with a smile on his face.


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