Saturday, July 01, 2017

1053 - Goodbye - Hello - Repeat

Three Word Wednesday requires participants
to use the three words of the week in a composition.

The words this week are: good-bye, memorise, haphazard.

Sadly, it is the last 3WW prompt.  Thank you, Thom, it has been fun.

Goodbye - Hello - Repeat

The years turn.
They come;
And go;
And come again.
They start with the New Year,
The time for making resolutions,
Hopeful resolutions,
A new start, tabula rasa,
Though, really, April first
Is a more honest date to use.
Then there is Easter,
That most haphazard of holidays.
Curiously Christmas does not suffer
Such nomadic lunacy.
Or should that be lunar nomadism?
The seasons, of course,
Mark the turning of the year
Although, sometimes, it seems that 
Mother Nature herself
Has failed to memorise the dates.
But, still, they come and go.
And yesterday?
The end of the financial year,
Appropriately, mid winter.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2017
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  1. Lovely. And I particularly like the final lines.

  2. And I forgot, even though I tried to say "White Rabbits"!

    I didn't even see a hare...but I did notice my grey hair! Perhaps for the 1st of August I should just say "Grey Hair!" That way I have some chance of remembering!!

  3. I love this J. thanks for all your comments over the years on my blog~Sheilagh

  4. AnonymousJuly 02, 2017

    A very thought provoking piece. Thank you

  5. Time, as 'they' tell us, is a man-made construct. But the seasons do keep rolling around, if not on the exact same date each year. I enjoyed your poem.

  6. Brilliant, I love your poem here as I can learn a thing or two from it. Cheers!

  7. Nature and the solar system pays us no mind in our foolishness we just fit in as best we can.

  8. make every day a fresh start I say.

  9. Mid year greetings to you J Cosmo

  10. And can you believe we have come to another July with half the year gone? Hope you are keeping warm this winter.

  11. Ah, you in winter - we in summer.....and the years do continue to turn!

  12. The Wheel of the Year turns and turns and turns... taking us with it--many times dragging us while we scream for a break.

  13. The seasons are unsettled, as is the populace. Buffy Sainte Marie sang a great song yesterday, saying ee are all, including Mother Earth, just hanging on by the skin of our teeth these days. True.

  14. Nicely done to the turning of the seasons....

  15. The months the seasons come and go. Regretfully it moves too fast!


  16. It certainly does seem that mother nature has her dates a little confused these days. As always I did enjoy reading your work.

  17. "The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on ..." and the seasons mark the chapters of our lives. Each day is a gift.

  18. AnonymousJuly 03, 2017

    When each new day is a reason for gratitude, time and seasons are the background for moments of living.


  19. Such an evocative write!

  20. Well done. I will miss this, even though I'm fairly new.


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