Thursday, July 18, 2024

1317 - Travelling Flat Out


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  
This weeks words are:

air, embraced, pearls, perfection, turtle, altar, garlands, reveries, vanish, name, built, mist

Travelling Flat Out

The place where the story happened was a world on the back 
of four elephants perched on the shell of a giant turtle. 
– Terry Pratchett

From their expressions, you’d never have guessed
But the elephants were far from impressed.
While their air was of calmness and grace
As they surfboarded their turtle through space.
Their inner thoughts were contained and not spilt
About the awkward lifestyle they’d built.

But on the flat earth that balanced above 
The occupants showerd them with love.
They built sacred altars to adore them
Made flower garlands and then actually wore them,
And then danced naked in the light of the moon
Such reveries usually finished at noon.

They viewed the elephants with loving affection
And, with the turtle, considered perfection
To be clearly outlined, for everyone to see.
The universe was defined by what needed to be:
Celestial transport, willingly embraced—
A beast, twenty limbed and five faced.

But the reason for being of this craft
Vanished in the far mists of time, probably graft.
Someone received pearls, gold and myrrh,
To win a contract, lucrative you can infer,
To provide a cheap spacial transport
And the fine print didn’t name the sort.

So, this menagerie sails on through space—
Two creatures not known for their grace
And the flat earth above them, so supported,
Is right royally, and galactically, transported,
No matter what the physicists implore
Existence is nine tenths of the law.

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1 comment:

  1. Smiling. As I suspect the much missed Sir Terry would.


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