Wednesday, July 24, 2024

1319 - Marrakesh


The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing piece.  
This weeks words are:

Sing, trembling, zigzag, connected, mind, silk, dreams, moon, prayers, crow, road, prophets


Forget Rome.
Here, at sunset,
All roads 
Lead to the market.
An explosion
Of light and noise.

The smells,
Spices, warm,
Rich, beguiling.
Perfumes hint 
Of the harem.
Leathers and silks,
Food, aromatic,
Sweet, luscious.
Brassware. Stoneware.
The noise,
Oh, the noise.
The call to prayers,
The call to buy.
Different gods.
The people,
But disconnected.
Someone sings,
Some tout dreams,
Promise the moon.
Some are prophets,
Trembling in fervor,
The curious wander,
Zig-zag in wonder.
Crowds flow 
Or not.  Mesmerised.
No-one minds.
Time is not important.
It is an assault
On the senses,

On the roofs
Pied Crows watch,
Silent prophets,

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  1. And that does indeed sound like the Marrakesh my partner described to me. Thank you.

  2. Oh, how wonderful you make it sound! Alas, my travelling days are done – so I'm lucky you can give me some sense of it in words.

  3. Oh yes... that square, Jemaa el-fnaa, is quite the experience - the whole of Morocco is a magnificent place to visit...sights and sounds and smells and colours!

  4. How delightfully your juggled these words to form a feast for the senses!

  5. A rich and sensual scene - wonderful!

  6. What a kaleidoscope of sound and visuals. Vibrant portrayal.

  7. Thank you for sharing this glimpse of Marrakesh with us. You've made it come vividly alive.


You've come this far - thank you.
Take your time, look around,
There is lots to see.