Sunday, December 21, 2014

772 - The Silly Season

Three Word Wednesday requires participants
to use the three words of the week in a composition.
The words this week were: alive, glaring, and misty.

The Silly Season

In a time of tinsel and of elves
The Press is pretty smitten.
Headlines shout, in glaring font,
Of folk with guns.  And kittens.

Perhaps, in their misty mental voids,
They dream to mesh the two—
Longing for gun tottin’ catty types,
Who (bonus points) are fond of vindaloo.

At a time when just being alive
Is a blessing we can use,
Should we really concern ourselves
With what passes for the news? 
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

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  1. Nice to know that Diana was alive before she died. How would I have ever known without that helpful article...
    Happy silly season to you and yours.

  2. It seems that between the disastrous and the silly there is no room for real news..

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Cosmo...I hope you have a wonderful, loving and relaxed time together. And may 2015 treat us all kindly. Best wishes. :)

  4. It is as though we are being manipulated to become so stupid and gullible we will believe and buy anything that is offered.

  5. Sometimes the difference between fiction & the 'news' is negligible' for sure!!

  6. Will Christians hats off to you J Cosmo...although I have to say I'd rather news about cats (even better rats) than royalty...somehow more credible!

    1. Damn auto correct - should read well Christmas hats off to you....

    2. My proteinaceous 'autocorrect' at this end had already made that adjustment!

  7. No news is good news 😄

  8. appreciate how you married the ironies, the juxtoposed polar opposites, kitten and guns.

    wish you, felicidades

  9. Perhaps not, whether cute or deadly it interrupts a more important love fest. On TV this is the silly season for sure.

  10. Ha, this made me smile. Perfect title!!

  11. Oh my... Merry Christmas!

  12. Couldn't agree more which is why I stay away from most news...not worth my time....loved this poem!

  13. Should we really concern ourselves
    With what passes for the news?

    We have our own thing to bother with, to survive and to be kept alive. It is not easy with lots of deprivations especially in the 'war zone'. Sensational items or even juicy ones may just pass us by. True enough Cosmo!


  14. Yes, we need to sort the news into what is actually important.

  15. Yeah, being alive is huge! ~ Happy Holidays and New Year! x


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