Sunday Whirl (Wordle #207) presents a list of words
that we must incorporate in a writing piece.
The words this week are:
witches ear dolls heartbreak branded scorpion spells
ball werewolf resurrection alone blind hunted
The Cabinet Room
When everyone was seated
The Leader took the stand.
“We need a three word slogan
The crowd wont understand,
We need to choose it wisely
So fear and greed are fanned!”
The witches stopped their chanting
To cheer what he had said.
They knew the power of nasty spells
To activate the dead
And practiced it on plaster dolls,
Or so it has been said.
Beside them sat the spineless ones,
Quite blind to all they saw.
Untouched by heartbreak or the grief
They'd bestowed upon the poor.
They just branded them as terrorists
And showed them to the door.
A nasty group of suited men,
Assassins, up for hire,
Were resurrecting past faux-pas
To feed the hateful fire
With a passion and a venom
A scorpion would admire.
They strangled babies in the woods,
Drowned puppy-dogs in sacks;
They bit the balls of new-born cats
They slept on beds of tacks.
They trained so they could go alone
But hunted best in packs.
A jolly fool grinned from ear to ear,
And then naively asked
“Do the poor drive ‘round in cars?
And could the port be passed?”
Meanwhile, ignored by everyone,
A poodle strutted past.
But everyone within the room
Knew who ruled and why.
The boardrooms here and overseas
Demanded they comply,
And when told that they should jump
Meekly asked ‘How high?”.
The meeting was coming to an end,
The zombies gave a cheer,
The Team of Oz then stood and vowed
To snarl, to spit and smear.
Then, as they broke to venture out,
A werewolf howled in fear.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2015