Monday, September 19, 2016

912 - Hold the pickle!

Haiku Horizons prompt: frog.
Dedicated to Shu.  And pickle.

Hold the pickle!

Dill pickles and cheese,
A classic sort of sandwich.
But not today, thanks.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2016

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  1. OMG, that is the cutest thing!!! I have a MAJOR frog addiction. :)

  2. Cos, I saw the burger limerick at Jim's blog... methinks there is a burger and pickle prompt? Then I took another look at the image here, and I thought, "Eeeeew!!" That was the extent of my thoughts, just eeeeeew. Ha! It is a cute picture in its own way, because I never realized how much a frog's skin resembles a pickle! Fun. Amy


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