Wednesday, July 24, 2013

590 : Save Your Breath

Three Word Wednesday requires participants
to use the three words of the week in a composition.
The words this week were Apologise, Derelict and Medicate.

Save Your Breath

Don’t apologise for base rudeness—
Each day you matter less and less.
I’ll neither retreat from the plain
Nor medicate away my pain
Life is better, I must profess,
Protected from your bitchiness
By friends who helped me reassess—
As I don’t expect any change
Don’t apologise.

Any remorse will not impress
I’d be derelict to acquiesce
And put it all in place again.
As you deserve but scant disdain,
And I’m not about to reassess:
Don’t apologise.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2013
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  1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2013

    Be thankful for the difficult people in your life,
    for they have shown you who you do not want to be.
    - Facebook Meme.

    1. Yes, I too take consolation that I can always serve as a bad example.

  2. Title says it all. Serious sting.

  3. sometimes you have to protect yourself

    1. And sometimes you pass the 'I don't give a sh*t' point and go for the throat.

  4. Yes you don't have to be the accommodative one all the time!! Many times bitten then shy away!!

  5. A powerful and intelligent way to say goodbye and good riddance.

  6. Life is too short to be the object of another's game.Close the iron gate and leave it shut!

  7. So, what are you trying to say?

  8. I've just about done my dash on personal relationships in my posts recently so I thought I had better start of the professional ones! I found that writing as you have done opened up old wounds best forgotten. However we are led by the prompts aren't we?

    1. The wounds here are very, very fresh and the battle is still being engaged. There a therapeutic element to my writing at the moment. But I suspect an inflammatory element too.

  9. Loved this. There are a couple of people I'd love to send this to! :)

  10. That's right, Cosmo! Some need to be told off! Nicely!


  11. Wow, powerful, has me gasping. Wonderful journey, a possible screen play that could be developed, to last longer than a minute.

  12. Cathartic is the word!

    I hope this has helped you; and I hope the person who has caused you such hurt and pain reads this or hears the words from your lips.


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