Sunday, September 08, 2013

607 : A Woman with Beautiful Eyes

Mad Kane has a regular limerick challenge.
She provides the first line,
the rest is up to us.

A woman with beautiful eyes
Enchanted the neighbourhood guys.
But her angelic demeanour
Covered a sick, mean whore;
A nasty old witch, in disguise.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2013

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  1. If this is being a poem about my goodly self I will be ripping your eyes from the sockets in your commoner head! I am being a princess!

    1. Really princess, you are being far too sensitive. it is just a limerick in response to a prompt. Any resemblance to the living, the dead or the imaginary is purely coincidental.

  2. How do you know so much about my Grade Two teacher?

    1. Oh wow! I hadn't realised that you made it to Grade Two at all. Well done.

  3. Do you know what, Cosmo? I was thinking only a short while about the last hour or so...I really do enjoy your verses. You have a wonderful way with words; and the rhyming thereof; and you do it so well. Thank you. :)

    1. Aw, now look what you've done. I'm blushing. Thank you.

    2. You really shouldn't encourage him, you know!

    3. I have no say in the matter at all, Sancho...Cosmo does as he wishes and as he likes; and he does it well. And I know you agree, or you wouldn't stick around! :)

      I believe in giving credit when and where credit it is due. I don't hand out flattery to all and sundry; just to those who deserve it. :)

    4. Thank you Lee. In your box, rotund one!

  4. Ded Lee DutchSeptember 08, 2013

    Do you know what, Cosmo? I was thinking that you probably need a couple of photographs of my body bits to inspire your poetry.I have a very nice photo of my finger but unfortunately not much imagination or a sense of humour.

    1. No tattoos you can send me pictures of? Is it true you have one on your bum that says 'Spanky-poos'?

    2. Dr De PsychoSeptember 08, 2013

      What kind of person would send pictures of that nature? Someone with a very low IQ from a seriously disadvantaged socio economic background...possibly traumatised by being an enforced sex slave for numerous years.

    3. Honestly Doctor, it was just an innocent question. If I don't bite the bullet and ask these questions, how will I ever know? Perhaps it didn't say 'Spanky-poos'. Perhaps it said 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'. But that would require both cheeks, I suspect.

    4. Ariadne EwrenatisSeptember 08, 2013

      You are a most unfortunate creature J Cosmo Newbery.I suggest that you elevate your thoughts and function on a more lofty altruistic plane. This vulgarity does not become you.Use St Francis of Assisi as your model and meditate on God's creatures,the delicacy of the beautiful blue wren and the song of the nightingale.

    5. Lighten up air head. Get with the times. You sound like Tony Abbot!

    6. Sorry is called tough love!

    7. Tough something.

  5. Being partial to witches I liked this.


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