Monday, September 16, 2013

610 : Blocked Out

Blocked Out.
Written for my mother.

The atmosphere has been freezing,
No day has been exempt;
What familiarity that persists
Breeds little but contempt.
Go! Go to where the goblins go.
Dismissed, if you are so inclined.
The current state is more pleasing—
Out of sight and out of mind.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2013
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  1. Curious of CamberwellSeptember 16, 2013

    What did your mother do to deserve that?

  2. No, no. Not about my mother, for my mother.
    Pay attention at the back of the class.

  3. You were always such a naughty little boy Cosmo. I knew I should have taken the slipper more to you when you were younger.

  4. Remember - you did try that and he just followed you around, wanting more.

  5. Okay, J.C, here is a Boo from me too. You did express it well though. It is one I could use with my ex perhaps. That was a bad scene.

    I do feel for those who are estranged from a parent. My Dad physically abused me terribly, for no reason that I ever knew. Still I love him (deceased now, we never did discusss this in my adulthood).

    1. Together, that makes us a boo-boo. Is that a good thing?

  6. don't know what to say except I came by. Whoa.

  7. Ouch. I remember the goblins as the worst threat; "The goblins will get you if you don't watch out." What a marvelous curse.

  8. Moms know best for whatever 'faults' they may have. Great humor here! Nicely Cosmo!


  9. Dismissed? A school mum, then? These days, here stateside, it seems weekly a school mum is caught 'educating' a lad about birds, bees, and bare-skin knees

  10. Goodness! Or perhaps not. Puts a different slant on 'the school of hard knocks' I guess.

  11. I remember that you once told me that you had no control over how people interpret your writings. This is a textbook case, I suspect.

    1. Read Chapter 3, answer the questions and have the answers on my desk by morning.

  12. As an incantation of exorcism this packs a punch.. for wicked witches and visitors alike.. tiptoes away.....

  13. Munchkins, hell. I'm thinking flying monkeys, and having been carried off in their arms myself, I can only imagine the horror.

    This evoked so many feelings in so many commenters, Cos, but for me, it was straight to the bone. Bone-deep and grinding. Amy


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