Wednesday, January 01, 2014

656 : New Year, Same Year

As things seem to be a bit cyclic,
A rondeau to kick off 2014.

New Year, Same Year

To start the year, fond hopes are nursed
Our dreams are once again rehearsed
For love and life and new careers
For happiness and for fewer fears
For peoples, far and wide dispersed
But inwardly suspect the worst—
Politicians, who have been pursed,
Dispense fireworks and festive cheers
To start the year.

Resolutions come and quickly burst,
Hopes are dashed and waistlines cursed;
From what we’ve seen in other years
We wouldn’t have as many tears
If we were to use April 1st
To start the year.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

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  1. Like a 'do-over.' Suits me.

  2. No resolutions for me! I gave that up a long, long time ago. Happy New Year Cosmo :)

  3. April 1st is just after my birthday so I have used that as my 'new year' resolution kick-off point for a long time. Less crowded.

  4. Great poem dear Cosmo! Thank you for your kind wishes, a very Happy New Year in 2014 for you too.
    xoxoxo ♡

  5. No resolutions here. I am clumsy and break more than enough things anyway.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  6. A very sensible suggestion.

    I, too, never make resolutions.

    I hope 2014 treats you and your loved ones kindly, Cosmo.

  7. nicely done. I'm not one for resolutions. i often have a hard enough time just getting through the day.

  8. I like this idea! Happy new year!

  9. That can be fun, April the 1st, how nice! We have to look for another All Fools Day in pursuit then. Hilarious Cosmo and Happy New to you!


  10. I like the feeling to starting anew even if fleeting ~ Wishing you a good 2014 ~

  11. I like the suggestion of April 1... in many ways that is most suitable... Happy New Year... if you wish to save that until April feel free... :)

  12. Wry and clever, as your poems always are!!

  13. Laughter here. How refreshing--despite its cynical edge, which I suspect to be a mask for one so definitely among the positive voices of our time.

  14. *•. ¸*•.¸*•.¸*•. *•.¸ ¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*
    *... *...*...*░ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!░* * *...*...*
    ¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* *•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•

    much love...

  15. Nice rhyme, a little sad but I like the bit of humour at the end.

  16. Lol. April 1st. Perfecto ~

  17. Love it...I decided to not play the fool this year...I have no new year's resolutions

  18. This gave me a giggle... and that is a valuable gift. What is resolve? And what is it's value? Now that is something to ponder now 'til April!

  19. Cynical but true. I did smile, thank you.

  20. Excellent! I always admire when time is spent on rhyme. (Perhaps I have another new years resolution? :)

  21. I like the idea of setting a new personalized New Year date for intentions...mine often feels like Easter.

  22. This was a fun read. I stopped making resolutions a long time ago. I simply go with the flow.

  23. I don't know about anyone else, but this line really resonated for me:

    Hopes are dashed and waistlines cursed!

    Haha! Hope 2014 treats you very well.


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