Monday, January 27, 2014

676 : The Challenge

Mad Kane has a weekly limerick challenge.
She provides the first line rhyme word,
The rest is up to us:

A fellow who claimed to have read
“Ulysses”, while lying in bed,
Admitted, when pressed,
He was there for the rest,
As the challenge had done in his head. 
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

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  1. Very good. I trust even Joyce would like it!

  2. You nailed it! I couldn't get past the first few chapters of this book.

  3. That I can believe. I picked it up to read when I was 18 years old...and I've not gotten out of bed since; and I've not finished the book yet; nor made the bed!

  4. It is nice to know that I am the only one who was bored to tears with the book.

  5. Yeah, Jimmy would have a laugh. I read "Finnegans Wake" on the toilet over a year and half of visits. I think that book was written from everything that had also done in the author's head.

  6. I think we had to read Ulysses in school; I think I didn't.

  7. A book for naps...I have read a few :)

  8. I say Cosmo, you've got your limericks down pat... lol... This one is certainly very clever .. :)

  9. clever limerick with a ring of truth... now I am going back to bed....

  10. This might be the best limerick I have ever read! Ha ha. Yes, I totally understand this one.

  11. Great limerick...the best humor always has an element of truth to it!

  12. Terrific.. not that I knew him personally, but I think JJ would have enjoyed this.

  13. where's the Mandarin and German? Oh, wait, I'm thinking of Ezra Pound. ~

  14. You made me laugh... and feel for this deceitful guy!

  15. I wish I had read Ulysses. But then again, I wonder if I would have gotten it, if I would be able to join discussions about it and never get lost.

    There is a famous photo of Marilyn Monroe supposedly reading it, I wonder if she did.

    great piece. <3

  16. A great piece. Well done.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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