Monday, June 09, 2014

714 : The Observer

The above photo (or something a bit like it)
was the prompt at The Mag.
Made me think of spying.

The Observer

In the field of diplomacy
Things go on that we never see,
In back rooms and transit vans
Wires are tapped and photos scanned.

We watch them
And they watch us
The only time there’s any fuss
Is when they catch us doing it.

They hack into our lines 
And then try to find
Evidence of morality failure,
Useful for the creative blackmailer.

We watch them
And they watch us
The only time there’s any fuss
Is when they catch us doing it.

It’s not always a glamorous job
It’s enough to make a grown spy sob
Listening to the President’s wife
Rambling on about palace life.

We watch them
And they watch us
The only time there’s any fuss
Is when they catch us doing it.
© J Cosmo Newbery 2014

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  1. AnonymousJune 10, 2014

    Our lives are not our own, are they? Best not get caught!

  2. I suspect that I would bore any spy to death. A plus to a dull life.

  3. How many times do we see TV police dramas showing those men in vans with tapes?! Clever Mag, Blogpal.

  4. AnonymousJune 10, 2014

    And the people who lurk on the internet. What about them?

  5. People who lurk on the internet hacking and spying are to put it plainly " scumbags" !

    1. No Sancho, you irk rather than lurk.

    2. Maybe they are not scumbags, just shy little flowers?

    3. Flowers don't lurk. They loiter a lot though. Dragons lurk. Jury's out on Snapdragons. They are borderline.

    4. Where have you been, Howling? Are you a lurker?

    5. So was it me or not?

    6. AnonymousJune 11, 2014

      Mirror, mirror,...

    7. You can be a loping lurker, you know.

    8. Sancho, she'll tell you if it was you. She's not shy about these things.

    9. Back off Sancho ! Quit the love messages in sky writing above my house. My neighbours are complaining. I'm sending the Bentley GTC convertible back and please no more jewellery in the letter box !

    10. The little swine. All he gave me was a cold.

    11. It's all you deserved.

    12. You are too kind. (Two kinds of what is still to be established.)

    13. Dragons don't lurk.

  6. people listening to what others say is such a sad state that i feel sorry for them..well one has to do what one has to I guess..everything has pros and cons..:)

  7. Boy, oh, boy! You certainly have had a new lease of life, Cosmo...and it's not even spring...but you sure have a spring in your step and words. I'm just catching up with you now!

  8. Catching out the Presidents Wife could be dangerous for the taper !

    1. A comment on topic! Thank you! Yes, a very dangers and rather stupid thing to do. Didn't stop them though.

  9. Your piece reminds me of the film "The Conversation"...nice write...


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