Susan, at Stoney River has a micro-fiction challenge where you must
write a short story in 140 characters or less. (Is this a Twitter thing?).
Anyway, today's prompt was a photo of a goat (above).
140 characters just cries out for a limerick.
write a short story in 140 characters or less. (Is this a Twitter thing?).
Anyway, today's prompt was a photo of a goat (above).
140 characters just cries out for a limerick.
A goat who answered to Billy,
Lived in a field that was flat, not hilly.
To survey his estate
He climbed on a crate ,
Unaware that he really looked silly.
© J Cosmo Newbery
Lived in a field that was flat, not hilly.
To survey his estate
He climbed on a crate ,
Unaware that he really looked silly.
© J Cosmo Newbery