Monday, April 05, 2010

CLXXXIII - Cups of Joy


Cups of joy

Seldom in the daily rush of life
Do you meet with such perfection;
Beautifully displayed, with love and care,
They arouse a deep affection.

Such vessels are a joy to hold
And warm the cockles of your heart.
Lovingly filled, sweet and warm and milky,
They are a most wond’rous piece of art.

O glorious porcelain saucer and cup
I swoon, en route to fainting,
Now, if the woman will kindly step away,
I can look more closely at the painting.

© J Cosmo Newbery
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  1. you noticed the vessels?
    funny ..
    i noticed the apples.

  2. Sure, the apples are nicely painted but I have a soft spot for tea cups.

  3. I am thinking that I am being familiar with A-cups and being familiar with B-cups. I am even being familiar with cups that are being both C-cups and D-cups. But I am not being familiar with the T-cups.

  4. Much can be said about tea cups. Or so I've heard.

  5. Lovely cups - and the teacup isn't bad either ;)

  6. Hey, did she lose her Easter bonnet?

  7. Might have lost something on the bonnet. Or the back seat.

    Probably could do with a nice cup of tea and a wee lie down. Or not.

  8. I'm a& fan of silicon, as well. Like this handy quiche dish or these muffin cups. Oh look! Muffin CUPS! I stayed in topic!

  9. Oh you are a wag!

    Tghanks Kitty, I hadn't thought of that alternative use for silicone cupcake moulds - beware cut-price cosmetic surgery, let's just hope they washed them up properly...

  10. Lucy! Look! Those in the picture already have the 'cherry on top' as part of the design! What a time saver!

  11. Oh wow, what a sensual and evocative picture and a very funny text - particularly the last two lines.;)
    On a more modest note, hope your Easter was wonderful.;)

  12. That's hilarius...really

  13. Lol, nice cup cakes, the painting as well ... your poem is very funny dear J Cosmo though I was a little concerned as to where the last line in the first stanza was heading :)...
    The last two lines are a nice touch.

    xoxoxo ♡

  14. Thats brilliant and refreshing and funny ...all at the same time!!! AWESOME!

  15. Kitty: Silicone valley will never be the same. Somehow 'date roll' comes to mind but I'm not sure about how to get it cooking.

  16. Protege: Thank you. Easter was everything a heathen could ask for.

  17. Her cup(s) runneth over.

    - Mike

  18. Well, there's a first: an Anonymous comment that isn't in Korean, Japanese or Chinese.

  19. PLUS the Anonymous comment isn't slandering, mean, degrading and is actually on topic! A first!

  20. Relayed from Dianne (For some reason Blogger didn't post it): Lol, nice cup cakes, the painting as well ... your poem is very funny dear J Cosmo though I was a little concerned as to where the last line in the first stanza was heading :)...
    The last two lines are a nice touch.

    xoxoxo ♡

  21. Your cups doth surely runneth over.


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