Monday, December 29, 2008

LXV - Vertical Expression


riseoutofme asked if I can dance. This is a loaded question!

Vertical Expression

Dancing is said to inspire
An improper horizontal desire;
I find it discrete
To have two left feet,
It keeps me from playing with fire.

© J Cosmo Newbery
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  1. sooooooo....
    translation ...
    can't dance worth a hoot ..

  2. Wow, you are just a wellspring of rhyme. I can barely keep up with your posts. Clever boy. I like this one a lot. Perhaps you are channeling Cole Porter?

    Do you sing? Play the piano, perhaps? I can almost envision you at the piano singing Mad Dogs and Englishmen... Weird.

  3. Your discretion is admirable, I'm sure
    For the wannabes so chaste and so pure
    But give me a beat
    For the incomparable feat
    And the flames I will bravely endure.

    I suspect you are a schmoozer, Mr. Newberry.

  4. Yeah... I'll use that as my excuse, too.

  5. Everytime I see American in Paris, that opening with Gene Kelly.
    You know the one I mean....where he gets up in the morning and is choreographed through his day's start?

    I always feel that dancing is easy. Like it's just a case of where can I put the camera....
    a shuffle over there, a slide to right here...suddenly a dancer's heart!

    So what if we stumble, fumble and fart?
    two left feet's better'n no feet at all.
    And anyway, it is just a dancer's heart
    that keeps us from dancing at the Queen's Ball.

    (well, that and not being invited, of course)

  6. I have no doubt you would get an invitation Boneman!

  7. Wait, it is dancing that inspires that desire!?

    "Oh honey," she calls to hubby, "put on a record. I feel the need to do a bit of dancing."



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