Tuesday, June 25, 2013

550 : Step Back.

Step Back 

Take a step back now faults are seen
On what had seemed so white and clean,
Had seemed to be the nicest kind
Of its type that you could find.
Alas, a mirage lies past the screen,
The grass beyond is a faded green.
The world becomes much less serene
As troubling doubts creep into your mind—
Take a step back.

Reality is cruel and mean,
It makes you see what was unseen,
To see a world that's misaligned,
And realize that you have been blind.

As you teeter on the ravine,
Take a step back.

© J Cosmo Newbery 2013

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  1. i think oft we need to take a step back and seek perspective...whether it is finding fault in someone or when confronted with a lie...if someone lied on you, that is harsh and i dont know the reaction by you is...we have to be honest, otherwise they will just keep doing it...

  2. Excellent advice for all edges, with cracks or not. It is neither fight nor flight, but a reasoned pause and refreshment.

  3. AnonymousJune 26, 2013

    Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

  4. I feel like you have a secret camera hidden in my life and are expressing what you see, so much more eloquently than me!

  5. True, awful and far too familiar.

  6. sometimes it's good to step back to get the whole picture and look at things from a distance..sometimes it's also good to step forward to confront and deal with what we have to deal with

  7. Good advice, melodiously told.

  8. Hey, what happened to my comments?

  9. So true that reality sometimes is NOT a pretty picture! I find myself wondering what inspired this poem.

  10. It's good to step back and reflect on what happened or going to happen ~ I find that when we are too close to the situation, we may not see clearly, blinded by our emotions of the moment ~

    Have a good week JCN ~

  11. yep-- perspective is key. nice rhymes!

  12. J Cosmo, you handle rhyme quite well. There is so much truth in your words here. I love the last stanza and the final couplet. Excellent write.


  13. I like the final couplet, how you break rhyme and the 4th wall, as it were - good pen, JCN. ~ M

  14. Sometimes we step right to the edge (other times we're pushed there) and to be able to stop and take it in...to really see what's going on...is so important. And so difficult.

  15. AnonymousJuly 06, 2013

    Hi, fancy meeting you here!


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